Working hard for causes we believe in.

Objeto is an IT consulting firm for nonprofits. We established Objeto in 2016 to escape from the corporate wheel and to partner with progressive organizations who aspire to improve their business while amplifying their social impact.

Working with Us

We partner with progressive nonprofits

We have discovered that our greatest satisfaction comes from collaborating with forward-thinking organizations that aspire to improve their business and need a strong technology partner.

Meet the Team

We are a multidisciplinary team working together towards a common goal

Our team has decades of experience in technology consulting and process improvement from working with some of the largest companies in Canada and abroad.

Alex Dowbor

IT Strategy & Architecture, Partner (he/him)

Heather Murray

Business Process & Design, Partner (she/her)

Andre Dowbor

Manager of Sales & Community Relations (he/him)

Victor Mattos

Development Manager (he/him)

André Ricardo

Senior Software Developer (he/him)

Bruno Ferreira

Software Developer (he/him)

Fabíola Romão

Senior Business Process Consultant (she/her)

Filipe Souza

Front End Developer (he/him)

Gabriel G Carvalho

DevOps Engineer (he/him)

Thiago Oliveira

Software Developer (he/him)

Tomas Dowbor

Business Process & Data Analyst (he/him)


Books that we like and draw inspiration from

  • Amusing Ourselves To Death Neil Postman
  • Behind Closed Doors By B A Paris
  • Blind Spot It By Charlie Feld
  • Code Complete By Steve Mac Connell
  • Customer Included By Mark Hurst
  • Design Everyday Things By Donald Norman
  • Dynamics Of Software Development By Jim Mac Carthy
  • Enterprise Application Architecture By Joseph Moniz
  • Envisioning Information By Edward R Tufte
  • Exploring Requirements
  • First Things First By Stephen R Covey
  • Getting Things Done By David Allen
  • Good Strategy Bad Strategy By Richard Rumelt
  • Histoire De Linformatique By Jean Vvon Birrien
  • Information Architecture By Louis Rosenfeld And Jorge Arango
  • Its Your Ship By Captain D Michael Abrashoff
  • La Rosa De Paracelso Tigre Azules By Jorge Luis Borges
  • Maverick Ricardo Semler
  • Mind Set By John Naisbitt
  • My Bread By Jim Lahey
  • On The Road By Jack Kerouac
  • Poesia Completa By Federico Garcia Lorca
  • Programming Pearls By Jon Bentley
  • Refactoring Improving The Design Of Existing Code By Martin Fowler
  • Rework By Jason Fried
  • Setting The Table By Danyy Meyer
  • Spring By Jake Knapp
  • Start With Why By Simon Sinek
  • The Age Of Unproductive Capital By Ladislau Dowbor
  • The American Trap By Frederic Pierucci
  • The Broken Mosaic By Ladislau Dowbor
  • The Devops Handbook By Gene Kim
  • The Laws Of Simplicity By John Maeda
  • The Mom Test By Rob Fitzpatrick
  • The Pyramid Principle By Barbara Minto
  • Tous Les Matins Du Monde By Pascal Quignard
  • Weaving The Web Tim Berners Lee
  • Who Says Elephants Cant Dance By Louis V Gerstner Jr
  • Write Useful Books By Rob Flitzpatriok
  • Writing Tools By Roy Peter Clark

Get in touch

Let's talk about your next big project

We'd love to hear about your project and goals. Book a free 30-minute consultation call with our team.

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